Monday, January 26, 2009


Wow, if the royal rumble proved anything to me, it's that even if you can call the ending, you never know what else is gonna happen. thats the feeling i always get comming into the royal rumble. i guess it's just the bitter realist in me. with that said lemme get down to buisness

ECW Championship
Jack Swagger Defeats Matt Hardy

arguably the best match of the night belong to matt hardy and jack swagger. the fans were all over this, and they threw all the moves they had to ensure victory. say what you want about the ECW championship not meaning a thing, if we are gonna see solid matches like this for the "3rd brand title" then hey, i'll argue the point to some degree. looks like swaggar will be champion till they groom somebody else on the roster for the taking. im not mad, but i am abit peeved that this lost for matt caused the storyline that i'll get to a little bit later on

Womens Championship
melina Defeats Beth phenoix

again, one of the better womens matches i seen in a while. i thought it could have been better though, but you can only hope for so long. beth is extreamly talented and so is melina so one would think we were gonna get more techincality. there was a nice spot where beth used melinas leg and attacked her with it and of course my favorite part was the fact that melinas breast popped out, once again...pleasing me very much lmao
oh, and she won too, so that made me very happy. i was actually rooting for her.
god santino is funny

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena Defeats John Bradshaw Layfeild with shawn michaels

can't say i was to excited about this match. but i will say that it is so far the best match that these two men put on with each other since there "I Quite" match at judgement day 'O5 4 years agos. michaels didn't really do much in this match, and it kinda took away from the whole storyline of him being torn to do what was right for him or what was right for his family. this also threw a damper on the JBL winning the title, and HBK being allowed to win the rumble and challenge his boss at Wrestlemania 25 in thier hometown. i take it WWE is tryna throw curve balls all night since we were aware of this plan. to the fact they mentioned it and didn't go threw further this point. at one point HBK superkicked JBL to cenas delight, only for cena to have his lights Knocked out as well. who knows where this goes. but since batista just had to get injured, were gonna be treated to Cena vs orton pretty soon
god kill me now..

WWE Championship
Edge Defeats Jeff Hardy in a no DQ match

i knew it wouldn't last long..
i knew hardy as champion was gonna go the way of benoit and gurrero.
Of goldberg and Mysterio
why couldn't they let him hold it untill Wrestlemania atleast
the fans were going crazy for jeff, he was so over.
but WWE just had to ruin there biggest star on smackdowns run.
and so foolishly, they strip hardy of the belt, after winning it 5 weeks earlier.
the big payoff wasn't even what most fans expected, although i called this months earlier. christan didn't even make his return last night. Again, WWE knew fans knew about him comming back, and wanted to throw another curve ball our way, so we get the logical and long over due Brother/Brother match up. Matt Hardy attacked Jeff with a steal chair shot at the end and cost him the title, much to Edge and vickie's Shock, along with everybody else and even me. I honestly didn't think they would go this route ever. while i hope it leads to an epic showdown between the two, i am still mad that it was at the cost of hardys reign as champion.
another good thing about this is that edge is now a 7 time champion i believe.. he did in three years what took taker and triple h more then 5 years to do i believe

The Royal Rumble Match
01. Rey Mysterio
02. John Morrison
03. Carlito
04. MVP
05. Great Khali
06. Vladamir Kozlov
07. Triple H
08. Randy Orton(winner)
09. JTG
10. Ted DiBiase
11. Chris Jericho
12. Mike Knox
13. The Miz
14. Finlay
15. Cody Rhodes
16. Undertaker
17. Goldust
18. CM Punk
19. Mark Henry
20. Shelton Benjamin
21. William Regal
22. Kofi Kingston
23. Kane
24. R-Truth
25. RVD
26. Brian Kendrick
27. Dolph Zigler
28. Santino
29. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
30. Big Show

Ok, this was by far the most entertaing Part of the show. As it should have been considering the PPV is called ROYAL RUMBLE
first off, i can't begin to break down the rumble play by play, cause it would take way to long. so imma give you as much as possible about what i enjoyed
honestly, the first 4 delivered the most to the crowd that night. morrison, mysterio, carlito and mvp could have been the only 4 in that match, and it would have been the best thing ever. morrion and mysterio blend well together, they certinly had fans thinking one of em was gonna win. carlito is dubbed the king of counters for one reason and one reason only: he can hit a counter out of no where. also check out the springboard moonsault..that was awesome
MVP came out and owned everyone, he even got to do his balling elbow drop! and the fans were all over him! great to finally here mvp chants! kahli came out then vladamir came and got rid of mvp, kahli and carlito i believe.
triple h and orton came around the same time as each other...thats how you knew who was gonna win. one of the two.
cryme time are funny ass cats man lol who saw the coin flip? lol i figured cause of what morrison did on ECW on tuesday that he would throw him out, but i guess the miz isn't ready to be tested in sigles matches yet
RVD comming back was awesome as well, i marked the fuck out when i heard his music and saw it was actually him and not charlie hass. santino........lmao you beat the warlords record, you were elimiated in 1 1/2 im mas people had santion signs in the front row lol. jim duggen whupping ass brought tears to my eye, i was both happy for the guy but at the same time....21 years later he is still in them gym shorts lmao undertaker and bigshow comming into the rumble with eveybody scared out of there minds was so funny too. but the night belonged to one man. orton. i called this for the longest. either him or triple H. not to say i wanted this, but they only built these two stars to make it to the finals. im sure batista would have one if he had not got injured again. And for all the cena haters everywhere, they are delivered to the greatest match of there life. Cena vs orton is almost garunteed, granted if cena doens't loes at NO Way Out

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